Arad, Romania

The company was a spin-off of Grazer Wagen- und Waggonfabrik AG, which Weitzer established in 1854.

Astra Rail’s Arad factory formerly concentrated on manufacturing freight wagons and passenger carriages as well as engines. During the course of more than 120 years, over 250,000 wagons were produced, which makes up 25 percent of the company’s entire production. With Arad as a base, our wagons made their way to more than 35 countries all over the world.

Anunt public APM Arad / Public Announcement from the Environmental Protection Agency Arad

Adresa comunicare decizie Astra Rail Industries S.A. / Communication of Decision Astra Rail Industries S.A.

Anunt dezbatere publica / Public debate announcement

Waste prevention and reduction programme

Environmental authorization for Arad