Business ethics and sustainability
Our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics guides us in our daily work. It covers key topics including conflict of interests, gifts and entertainment, international transactions, discrimination and harassment, safety and environment. The code is accessible on our website and our employee intranet site. We share it with all new employees as part of the onboarding process.
Our ethics and compliance program also includes a comprehensive policy addressing anti-bribery and anti-corruption laws as well as the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.
Code of conduct and ethics
Our Company complies with the highest ethical standards in all business dealings. Ethical behavior constitutes the basis of our relationships with customers, suppliers, regulators and government agencies and also in mutual relations within the company. Ethical principles help to create a work environment conducive to self-respect, loyalty, commitment and non-discrimination.
Report misconduct
Greenbrier intends to observe the highest standards in all its business dealings.
The cornerstone of Greenbrier’s business conduct is honesty in all our dealings – honesty with our customers and suppliers, honesty with competitors and government agencies, and honesty with each other within Greenbrier.
That is why The Greenbrier Companies Inc. have established a system (EthicsPoint) which allows our personnel to report any violations of ethics and other rules provided in Greenbrier’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics and our other Policies.
The EthicsPoint system is designed to provide a mechanism for reporting good faith concerns regarding accounting,internal accounting controls and auditing matters or any suspected fraud violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act or any other laws and ethical rules, e.g.: mobbing, harassment, discrimination.
These violations can be reported here:
Or by toll-free hotline:
Romania – call: | 800477044 |
Poland – call: | 0-0-800-1211571 or 0-0-800-111-1111 and then: 866-295-2647 |
Türkiye – call: | 0811-288-0001 and then: (844) 628-9746 |
Download Code of conduct and ethics:
Following the implementation of the Whistleblowing Directive (Directive on the protection of people who report breaches of Union law) in Greenbrier Europe, we have established another channel to report irregularities (EY VCO).
The EY VCO system is designed for reporting irregularities that violate or may violate legal provisions in the area of e.g.: public procurement; services, products and financial markets; prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing; product safety and compliance; transport safety; environmental protection; radiological protection and nuclear safety; food and feed safety; animal health and welfare; public health; consumer protection; security of networks and information and communication systems; protection of privacy and personal data; competition and state aid rules; corporate taxation.
These violations can be reported here:
FAQ (regarding Whistleblowing):
Any officer, director, employee, consultant or agent of the Company as well as any supplier, contractor or client having noticed a violation should promptly report it.
Our Investigating Commission – a dedicated and impartial body that investigates the report.
After the report is submitted, the Designated Person(s) carry out their initial verification within 7 calendar days of the receipt of the report. Then, the Designated Persons decide the composition of the Investigating Commission which shall be in charge of taking the necessary actions to clarify the case.
You can make an anonymous report, but remember that if a report does not contain the name, surname or contact details of the Whistleblower, such a report shall be examined and dealt with to the extent that it contains sufficient information relating to breaches of the law. Reports submitted anonymously by Workers may also result in limiting the detail of feedback on the follow-up actions undertaken by the Company in connection to the Report.
Acting in good faith – acting in the confidence that the information reported is true at the time of reporting and that it is or may be an irregularity, taking into account the best interest of the Company.
People who have made a report in good faith are protected from retaliation.
However! Reporting false information intentionally is prohibited and may be sanctioned.
Each Whistleblower is provided with:
a) identity protection
All persons in the Investigating Commission shall keep confidential the identity of the Whistleblower as well as other personnel revealed.
Any data identifying a Whistleblower may be disclosed only based on his/her prior, express consent – except for disclosing to competent authorities, when such an obligation results from legal provisions.
b) protection against retaliation
Whistleblowers in public interest acting in good faith are protected from any form of retaliation. Retaliation is any action or omission, direct or indirect, occurring in a professional context, which is prompted by internal or external reporting or public disclosure and which causes or is likely to cause harm to the Whistleblower. This includes, but is not limited to: termination of employment, disregard for promotion, unjustified bad treatment, unfavorable change of employment conditions or remuneration, any manifestation of intentional harm to further professional career or reputation or threat of such action.
c) feedback on the actions taken in connection with the report
Whistleblower will be informed about:
- acceptance of the report or rejection of it – within a maximum of 7 calendar days
- the result of the investigation (i.e. whether the law has been violated) and the follow-up actions (i.e. actions taken in connection with the report) – within a reasonable time, not exceeding 3 months from the receipt of the report, and subsequently, whenever there is progress in the investigation, unless the information could affect the relevant investigation.
Supplier code of conduct
We have always set high standards for the way we conduct business and we expect the same commitment from our suppliers. We share with them our Supplier Code of Conduct so that they are aware of our expectations and requirements regarding ethical business dealings.
Our suppliers must act ethically, with integrity and fully comply with our policies as a condition of doing business with us.
General data protection regulation
We take pride in the fact that enhancing quality is one of our most strategic goals. Quality of our products, of our services, and now quality of the treatment of your personal data. As we take utmost care to protect your personal data, we want to assure you that all processing of your data will be done in accordance with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
We ensure that all activities involving the processing of personal data is performed lawfully and transparently. The personal data collected by our Company is used only for the purpose for which the collection took place. We collect only relevant data and we limit our processing activities only to those strictly necessary for reaching the purpose the personal data was collected. We are doing our best efforts to keep the data accurate and up to date and thus we may from time to time request you to update your personal data.
We process personal data lawfully, either for the performance of a contract, in order to comply with a legal obligation, justified by Company’s legitimate interest or based on your explicit consent.
All personal data is secured against unauthorized or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage, by using appropriate technical and organizational measures. We are also committed to preventing unlawful disclosure of your data by ensuring that all our employees are subject to confidentiality obligations and all transfers of personal data are appropriately secured.
Contact us
For any inquiry in this respect, you may contact our DPO’s, at